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How many times have you bought a product without ever trying it before?

For example a shirt, a pair of trousers, food, etc... and the same goes for hair!

Big mistake!

The CHIOMAGIFT was designed and created so you don't waste money and time, so you can test the quality of all our 10 CHIOMAKER® products in the 10ml format.

It's our gift for YOU who don't know us yet, so you can put us to the test and evaluate the quality of our products... without spending a single penny.

And if you don't like them, friends as before, with no obligation to buy anything.

If you are interested and want to receive our CHIOMAGIFT at your home, sign up to our Newsletter and it will arrive at your home within 7 days.



ALL - Shampoo
All types of treated hair

Format: 10ml.

ALL - Mask
All types of treated hair

Format: 10ml.

LUX - Shampoo
Coloured hair

Format: 10ml.

LUX - Mask
Coloured hair

Format: 10ml.

KER - Shampoo
Lightened Hair

Format: 10ml.

KER - Mask
Lightened Hair

Format: 10ml.

PURY - Shampoo
Hair Treated with Oily Scalp

Format: 10ml.

NOYELLOW - Shampoo
Treated hair, tending towards yellow

Format: 10ml.

NOYELLOW - Mask with Purple Pigments
Treated hair, tending towards yellow

Format: 10ml.

Multifunctional oil

Format: 10ml.

Iscriviti e ricevi GRATIS a casa tua il nostro CHIOMAGIFT, al suo interno troverai 10 Campioncini da 10ml. CHIOMAKER® e in più Scopri le Promozioni a te riservate!
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Premi il tasto INVIA e conferma la registrazione sulla email che ti invieremo.
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